DD Palmer said Chiropractic is based on the fact the Nervous System coordinates and controls all organs and systems from above down, inside out. With that in mind, we must start on the top, with the brain and inside, with the spinal chord.
Many health care practitioners, that are Chiropractors, sometimes forget this premise and do not want to leave the spine. My over 36 years of practice has taught me the SUBLUXATION is the cause of dis-ease and that there are SIX causes of subluxation, we refer to, as the SIX INTERFERENCES.
Upcoming Seminars
(Click Here to View Full Schedule)
September 25-27
Seattle, WA
Basic, Interm & Advanced
Dr. John Brimhall
Nutri-West Pacific
or 253-857-2496 |
October 9-11
Denver, CO
Basic, Interm & Advanced
Dr. John Brimhall
Nutri-West Colorado
or 303-662-9997 |
October 23-25
Chicago, IL
Basic, Interm & Advanced
Dr. John Brimhall
Nutri-West Central
800-383-0537 |
When we evaluate a patient, we must include the brain, cranial nerves and spinal nerves in evaluation and treatment, which includes all 6 interferences and all 6 steps of correction. With the Nutri-West nutrition and the Erchonia laser, both red and violet, we have stepped into a new ability to evaluate and treat our patients.
Let’s take a look at the nutritional and chemical step at this time. High cholesterol levels and even borderline high levels have been shown to increase risks of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia according to a new study. It has been shown to increase risk as we approach our 40s significantly. It gets increasingly problematic with each decade of life thereafter.
A study in Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders included almost 10,000 men and women for forty years. The participants were between the ages of 40 to 45 when they had their cholesterol levels tested from 1964 and 1973.
All of the statistics were evaluated and computed many years later. The researchers in reviewing their medical records, found that from 1994 to 2007, 469 had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and 127 had developed vascular dementia, which is caused by impaired blood supply to the brain.
Among the high cholesterol group (240 mg/dL and above), the risk for Alzheimer’s disease was 57 percent higher compared to people with cholesterol levels below 200 mg/dL, which is considered optimal. Those with borderline high cholesterol (between 200 and 239 mg/dL) also experienced an increased risk for AD although the results were not statistically significant.
The borderline group was shown to be at a 50 percent increased risk for vascular dementia, however. So that becomes very important to our patients’ health and wellness.
All of this information becomes very significant when we look at statistics of the American population. In the U.S., almost 100 million people have either high or borderline high cholesterol levels. That puts them at increased risk for AD and dementia.
In our book, Solving the Health Puzzle With The Six Steps to Wellness and in our Nutri-West/Brimhall Seminars we give you six ways to evaluate and treat every patient. Each of these should be considered and addressed for maximum results. For nutritional support, we have a product that has been formulated for supporting healthy cholesterol levels, called Total Lipotrophic. Total Brain is specific to give the brain nutrient dense support for each lobe and to support the health and function of the brain. Fish oils and Total Flax, in the omega three families are very important for brain health and cholesterol levels. Nutri-West has many excellent products and Dr Murphy’s formulations of Complete Hi-Potency Omega-3 Liquid, Complete Omega-3 C0-Factors and Complete Omega-3 Essentials have been shown to be extremely effective fish oil supplements you hear so much about in the news, as well as in the literature.
Exercise, diet, emotional balance, adequate water intake, detoxification, electromagnetic pollution etc are all part of the responsible physicians approach to brain health and balance. We use the red and the violet lasers in balancing the cranial nerves, specific lobes, myotomes, muscle spindle cells etc. All of this information is taught extensively in our seminars.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
John W. Brimhall, DC and the Wellness Team
Brimhall Wellness Seminars
(866) 338-4883
www.brimhall.com |